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Madison Woods

Taking orders now for 2020 American ginseng seedlings. Local pickup only.

2020 Ginseng Nursery Update | Arkansas Ginseng Nursery

At the Wild Ozark Ginseng nursery, plants are seeded and propagated in a dedicated natural space called the Ginseng Habitat Demonstration Garden. It’s a once-logged area that I’ve worked to recover and replant over the years with the native deep forest flora. I seed in natural habitat, not in pots. Usually each May I transplant

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Potted Ginseng Seedlings in Arkansas

So I have some help this year with the ginseng nursery from a pair of young organic, permaculture enthusiasts who are ready to learn about being good ginseng stewards. That means I will after all have some potted ginseng seedlings available throughout spring! They’ll have to be picked up in the Kingston square, by appointment.

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Early April in the Ginseng Habitat

Every year the same flowers bloom in pretty much the same order. And although I have hundreds of images in my files, I can’t help but start heading out with the camera. The blooms start in early April in the ginseng habitat. The first flowers that bloom are usually the toothwort (formerly of the Dentaria

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