I’ve been working on a few new Wild Ozark creations lately. This creative streak seems to have no end in sight, either, because ideas just keep coming and I keep feeling compelled to follow them through.
This is the latest drawing I’ve done. The digital and print rights (for business branding, not art prints) and print #1/100 have been sold already, but there are still 99 prints available. I had so much fun doing this drawing, because it made me see poison ivy and slugs in an entirely new light. Whoever knew the two of them could be beautiful together?

I’ve been photographing a particular green dragon (Arisaema dracontium) over the past few years, trying to get good photos of all the various phases. A couple of years ago, I even had seeds that I’d gathered from it sprout.
So I was finally able to complete a creative thing that’s been waiting a long time – The Dragon Life Storyboard:

You can get this poster at our Wild Ozark Redbubble shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/wildozark/works/22836244-story-of-the-dragon. If you know any science teachers who might like to decorate a classroom, send them my way!
You can read more about Green Dragons on one of my earlier posts.
So then I thought, “Well, I can’t have a dragon storyboard without a ginseng one too!”

Pressed Leaves
And for ginseng I also have been making pressed leaves. Some of them are laminated so they’re durable enough to take to the woods. Some I’ll mount on fine art paper for framing. Only the laminated ones are posted to the shop so far. They’re $10.
I’ve been working on my novel and am getting excited by how it’s going. Here’s the story line for that:
Bounty Hunter is a rural adventure fantasy set in post-collapse northwest Arkansas. There’s a rift in the Universal fabric that the Feds aren’t telling anyone about, but it’s the main reason martial law is still in effect. Treya is training to be an assassin for ARSA, a covert government agency headquartered in Bentonville. Punishment isn’t that the criminals are put to death. It’s that they’re killed three times to force them into successively lower incarnations. Treya has to learn how to use her innate gifts that enable her to track a person throughout their incarnations, whether they’re human or not.
Your Turn!
So tell me what projects you’ve been working on? Send links if you have posts about them or Etsy listings or whatever and I’ll link to them. My email address is .
Madison, I love reading about what you’re doing and how you’re using your talents and the world around you to create and make a personal and meaningful living! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you, Janet 🙂 I’m glad to see the commenting is working now! You have a wonderful weekend too, hopefully one that is cooler than days past have been!
It’s hot and humid here. We had lots of rain and thunderstorms yesterday and it looks as if it’s going to rain again quite soon. I made it to the farmers market, though, so I can stay inside all day if need be. I have more than enough to do here. 🙁