I love medicinal herbs, especially those that grow right here at home, and most especially ginseng. This year’s ginseng jelly comes in two varieties:
- Ginseng Gold (4-oz, $25)
- Ginseng/Apple (8-oz, $25) Soft-set: thicker than syrup, thinner than jelly
Both are delicious, but you’ll get more of the ginseng active ingredients from the Gold. Prices do not include shipping.
Email me for a PayPal invoice and let me know your address so I can give you the quote on shipping: .
Ginseng is a Medicinal Herb
This jelly is intended for adults only. A teaspoon a day is plenty enough to experience the benefit.
UPDATE 2017, made a fresh batch of jelly for this year: it is delicious and potent!!
Email me if you’d like to try it.

The taste
I tasted the decoction (broth) this morning after it soaked overnight and the flavor is bitter with a sweet follow. This is exactly how the roots taste when chewed.
The jelly is sweet, lightly flavored with a very slight bitter finish. Some people don’t taste the bitter at all, but I do. The point with this product isn’t so much to use it as a confection, but as a tonic.
My favorite way to use it is on my morning slice of toast. That’s all you need – a teaspoon a day. If you take it daily, then the little jar won’t last very long. This is a good thing, as ginseng shouldn’t be used on a daily basis for more than a month or two at a time.
Medicinal Virtues
Ginseng has been in use as a medicinal plant for thousands of years. American ginseng was first used by the Native Americans but became popular in China during the 1700’s.
In recent years scientists have become more interested in the ways ginseng works and have produced several studies.
Here’s an article about the effects of ginseng.
This one offers a handy chart: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3103855/figure/F3/
And, here’s an article about some of the side effects of ginseng and possible drug interactions. You should always do research before using herbal remedies, and do more than just read the links on mine or any other one site.
This jelly contains a broth made with American ginseng root. A large portion, if not most, of the medicinal part of ginseng is water soluble, so it will be in this jelly.
Don’t Wait too Long!
Look for Wild Ozark American Ginseng Jelly at the Nature Shop and at our market booth this year!
It’s pretty and tastes wonderful!

Email me at madison(at)wildozark(dot)com if you want some.
When foie gras was made illegal to sell in Chicago some years ago, restaurant owners/chefs got around that by charging more for something else and having the foie gras be free. 🙂 Eventually, the ban was lifted. Just saying. All the best with that, Madison. I understand wanting to make products safe, but some places won’t even let children sell lemonade, which is completely out of control.
LOL, I thought of something along those lines, too. When my pawpaw used to sell his cornmeal, I think he came up with something similar. I don’t remember what it was, but maybe he charged for the bags or something. Yeah, not letting kids sell lemonade is definitely taking it too far.
You could do what the Boy Scouts around here do when there’s a special event and they have the parking concessions at various church parking lots. The signs say: “Donation: $10.” that’s not a donation, it’s a fee!! Irks me every time I see it, similar to “Free Will Offering of $5” (or whatever amount.)
Haha, well I sure don’t want to irk my customers! I know a raw milk provider that charges for the jars… so maybe my little jars are going to be quite expensive 😉
There you go. 🙂
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