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2018 Ginseng Prices Page for Diggers and Dealers



2018 Ginseng Prices Page at Wild Ozark. Drawing is 'Ginseng in October' by Madison Woods. Prints available.
My drawing of Ginseng in October. Prints available in our online shop.

This is the 2018 ginseng prices page for diggers and dealers, for discussions at the wholesale end of the market, straight from the ground. Don’t expect these prices for retail wild American ginseng. If you are searching (as a consumer) for someone to sell you wild ginseng go to THIS page and I’ll refer you to a trusted seller with the proper licenses for domestic and/or international sales.

Unique Roots for Sale

Unique roots will return on the 2019 page. I’ll get that page started in the months ahead of digging season so readers/dealers/buyers/diggers can comment with predictions and forecasts! For information on getting your interesting and unique roots listed here, email me.

Season is over, no roots posted at this time. 

2018 Ginseng Prices

If you hear any news on this email me or comment below so I can update the page. Keep an eye on the comments below for prices updates.

280 thoughts on “2018 Ginseng Prices Page for Diggers and Dealers”

    1. Two good certified ginseng buyers in the Knoxville area are Darrell at 865-457-2225 or Dexter at 865-705-8125. Give them a call.

    2. I have been a TN licensedGinseng buyer for 20 years. Today (9-1-18) we are paying $130 per pound for wild collected fresh dug, green unwashed Ginseng. MUST GRADE WILD and be small finger sized. Open everyday from noon till dark at 917 Nancy Shawl Rd., Dickson, TN Please note that whoever you sell to in Mid Tenn. they should have a Tenn. licensed and most important have a Tenn. Dept. of Ag. inspected scale. Jesse Anderson 615 446 5714.

      1. THis is the first time Ive dug ginseng roots on my property. I am finding some double and triple prong toots. Do I wash the roots before I sell it? Would I be better off selling fresh or dried?

        1. Dried- you can get $600 per lb dry compared to $14 per ounce green right now and prices can go up as he season progresses – goes up and down and varies year to year but there is a demand so prices are like to go up – a London KY dealer paid $1500 per pound dried two years ago

      2. I’ve got some very large ginseng for sell and trying to find a buyer near Grundy county Tn. Can you help out on this thanks

        1. Do you know who is buying in Peoria, IL? I have little over 1 pound dried. Thanks in advance!

      1. Hi Ralph, here in Arkansas it’s the Arkansas State Plant Board that you have to go to for licenses, regulations, etc. You’ll need to look for something similar within your state. The hardest thing I think a buyer likely has to deal with, aside from all the paperwork and regulation, is finding someone to buy from and someone to sell to. Those two things are pretty critical.

  1. Roger J Williams

    Looking for a buyer in upper central West Virginia near Clarksburg area, Plenty to grab up. Thanks Roger

    1. Hi Roger – I’ll bet someone find this and responds soon. There will be more posts as it gets closer to September. Good luck – but don’t sell it all. Just dig some and leave some of the old ones to keep reproducing 🙂

      1. Im in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia and found a couple pounds on my property if you or anybody else is interested

      2. I’m in ky if you paying decent price I got around 20lbs green if interested no baby roots good roots can send you picture call or text 606-401-7071

      1. Jim, im coming from cleveland Ohio area, my property is in WV. Plus I am looking for someone who is willing to walk the property with me and collect what they would like..

        1. I would be great full to come with you and scout your property for seng.Im in North Central WV but will travel wherever need be?!Give me a shout?Robert 681-495-4185. Thanks

        2. I would be willing to help u dig if you have any on ya property my name is josh let me know asap I in nc at the moment

        3. Hello bud, my wife and I would possibly be interested in making the drive to you if your willing to take us? We’re both in our 50s so we’ve slowed down some but we love to get out in the woods. We are just learning how to to ginseng hunt.

        1. Jean-Paul HANDJOU

          Hi, i have red ginseng in cameroon (West Africa) from hills of my contry. Strong one. If you need quantity, i’m wating for your mail. picture if you want to see.
          Best Regards
          Jean-Paul N. HANDJOU

  2. Happy 2018 root diggers and dealers. Ginseng season is only 6 weeks away..Now is a great time to locate but please don’t dig. It will be there in September. .Goldenseal is at it’s best right now and the market is strong. Goldenseal herb is also in demand. Concerns about the tariff issues cloud the upcoming market for ginseng, but my sources tell me to start where last season ended. That could be a little over enthusiastic but my own personal feeling is that ginseng will not affected by tariffs anymore than it already is. The demand for fresh root is over the top. It once scared me, but I’m over that. I have no problem buying and holding fresh dug roots.
    I will be posting on this forum often, as will other dealers. I am not here to advertise, but more to advise. This is a great website. Best of luck to all. Terry

    1. Thanks, Terry! Thank you for being on standby for questions! Hopefully we’ll start getting some discussion going soon. Traffic to the page is beginning to pick up more as the season gets closer.

    2. Hi terry can you buy ohio ginseng from diggers i dig around 10 lbs a year and what are you paying for goldenseal i have 30 lbs and still digging. Thank you

      1. I get an Ohio license every year. So yes, I can buy Ohio roots. And I definitely want your goldenseal. I don’t want to post price here. You can email me, text me 574-275-2100, or friend me on fb and message me.
        email; or . Best to copy both email addresses. I have an Ohio base in Newark but travel the entire state often.
        Thanks for the inquiry.

    3. Terry can you dig goldenseal now? What is the price per pound for the roots and tops.You also say you are in Ohio, how close are you to Cincinnati Oh? TOM

    4. Hi- I will be digging in WV, I know there are rules about age/size of the roots, have researched how to identify and dig, must sell to licensed dealer. I have never harvested before, some of the posts say to keep the neck and ancillary tails/roots attached. A few basic questions….
      do dealers want the leaves/stems attached? detached? or not at all?
      how do you keep the roots fresh between digging and delivery to a licensed dealer?
      Thank you in advance for any information you can provide!!

    1. Hey Terry I am a Dealer in Pike County Ohio so what are you Paying for Good Dry goldenseal Root. Per Pound. Jim Appalachian Ginseng Company Waverly OH. 45690

  3. Hello I’m looking for buyers near Western Maryland. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  4. Looking for good place to sell in southern wv. Just ret out of army been gone for long time

    1. Thank you for your service Sam. I am a navy vet. My friend Sang Smith from WV is an army vet, As is his brother Rudy. Hello America! This is us. We are you. My brother, John Manley retired after 32 years at the rank of colonel. My brother Hamilton served in viet nam. We are patriots. We stand for the pledge. We are not racist. We love all Americans,

      1. Love the vets here. Thank you for your service, too, Anonymous 🙂 My husband retired from the USAF after serving for 22 years, and he’s still working for the military now in support of the guys over in Doha.

  5. hi will ginsing have a cluster of green balls these are 3 leaves with the cluster.i can send pic if I its available to do.thank you, western ny west of bffalo ny

    1. Ed, I think you are seeing Indian turnip. However,ginseng berries will be green before turning red. The mature ginseng plant will always have 5 leaves.

  6. Hi im going to be looking for a buyer in ky that will want to buy from anywhere to 5-8 lbs of some good sized ginseng ..havent got yet but always good sized where I dig..have pics from 2017 to give an idea.

    1. So you already know where yours is tou just havent dug it up right?? How many pounds did you have last year??

  7. Has anybody else out there noticed that a lot of the GinSeng has no berries? My husband and I have our own land and we have been keeping an eye out for when the season comes in we have found several and most still have no berries is this normal?

    1. Hi Carla, thanks for mentioning this. My ginseng did poorly this year as far as putting on berries too. I think it was because we had a late freeze, even after the flowers were on, but now I can’t remember if the freeze was that late or I’m imagining it. But it looked like pollination was poor and the berries put on unevenly, if at all. We live in northwest Arkansas.

    2. Hey caria I am a Ginseng Dealer in Ohio and have a Patch that has already turned Yellow and have drop all of the Berries. Jim Appalachian Ginseng Company 740-635-8119. Plus I’m Paying $30 per Pound for Good clean Dry Yellowroot

  8. I’m in New Hampshire. Our winter runs later than ya’lls down south. Is it reasonable to expect flowering and berries to be more prevalent in September versus August?

    1. I’m surprised your winters run later than ours! But I supposed it could cause later flowering and berries. I know our other local plant blooms/fruit come on later than surrounding areas even right here because I’m in a little microcosm where the temps are sometimes cooler. But you should definitely at least have green berries by now.

    2. Oh, now I think I misunderstood what you meant about winters running later. They don’t begin later, but they last longer. But yes, I’d think that has to do with later flowering.

  9. Awesome Ronnie. I am heading there this wknd and will see if I have any red berries.
    Hopefully ill have something to lure you my way. LOL..

    1. Hi Andrew, I’d love to have some idea of the prices in the various areas. Would you mind posting a ballpark figure and your state, knowing it’s all subject to change and that isn’t a fixed price?

      1. The 2 dealers I have talked to in South Indiana one has a 525 starting price on his price list and the other has told me 550.00 sounds like it I going to be a good year.

  10. i am a homesteader who has found 2 older large ginseng plants so I dug up the roots. they are beautiful but i need to know what they might be worth realistically. these are wild grown plants weighing 11 and 10 ounces each when dug Fri. they are at least 10 years old and have 5 prong leaves. thank you for any ideas on selling and worth. i dont see any way to post images here.

  11. I live in north east Pennsylvania I’ve harvested 3 ounces dried wild ginseng some of the roots have 20 growth rings on the tops of them was wondering on prices and were I could sell them some what close to me (570) 250 – 9945 is my cell thank you

    1. Darrell M. is a good ginseng buyer who serves the Jellico, Tn. area. He may have n interest in your ginseng.

    1. Contact me when you are ready to sell. My contact info is on this site. I will direct you to another buyer if we cant get together.

      1. I also really need to find a fair, honest buyer too. I wont be able to provide you with as much as the other guy but I should have 5-6 lbs by Octobersb end at least thts what I am estimating from the scouting I have done this summer and not cunting what I come across going back to dig.What part of KY are you from? I am from Letcher County, but I am willing to drive a couple of hours if the price is right. Thank you so much for your time and help.

  12. Looking for honest licenced individual to come out to north central WV to walk and dig ginseng and mushrooms . I am out of state and would have to set up a time to meet you,

    1. Hey. If you’re for real, I’m looking for a good ol boy like me to improve my seng hunting skills here in east TN. Hit me up asap, please!!! Text, call 7702625137 Thanks, Jake.

  13. Looking for recommendation on a well respected and fair dealer in Western NY / Northern PA. Also looking to know what the current rates are for NY / PA this season? Thanks in advance for any input provided.

  14. Anyone know a good respectable dealer in Middle Tennessee somewhat close to Nashville Tn. Got done very large ginseng for sale

  15. Hi my name is joey and I found a pretty Large amount of ginseng this yr..Ive dug for over 25 yrs and this is most ive ever dug..have some good sized roots with yr stems some bigger than a hand..I have over 6-7 pounds. .I have the big separated from the smaller stuff..I want to find the best deal this yr ..I live in ky and if someone wants to see pics ive got plenty…

  16. Hi Madison.I usually see an idea of what people are actually getting for their root (not just dealer quotes).Not seeing muchbein posted along those lines this year.maby if I post what I’m getting in East TN others will post for their area.I got 250 a pound yesterday for a little above average green.was told 650 to 7 dry.western nc is at 230 avg and 275+ for above avg haven’t heard on dry there.I hope this helps get people to post prices in their area.thanks for the platform Madison.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Bob. I don’t dig, buy or sell, so I rarely have a good idea of what’s going for what where, lol. Since I always get a lot of traffic regarding ginseng at my website, I figured it would be a good place for everyone to share info. This page is entirely for all of you guys and gals out there in the woods 🙂 I’m in the woods, but mostly just looking and taking pics, haha.

  17. Looking for good respected buyer in eastern Kyle.I live in warily co key and the only buyer I could find only wanted to give me 50lb wet and 200 lb dry.I won’t dig anymore for that.If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated

  18. Looking for respectable buyer around clarksville tn got a few pounds of dry and same green but not selling unless price is right

  19. Prices around Lake Cumberland area Kentucky started out at $500#. I barter a lil each week and give 30 an oz in hopes that prices jump.

    1. Hi i live in the lake Cumberland area. I have an oz at the moment, and have a lot more area to dig on. Wher are you located so i can get a hold of you. Looking for a buyer, so i can keep up with the prices. Thanks!

    1. I am looking for some wild ginseng for my own consumption. I live in Chicago area. Please tell me more about your wild ginseng and price. Must have all legal documents.

    2. Shawn, where do you live? Have a buyer I could recommend if you live in his area. Call 865-705.8125 to inquire –

    1. I was curious if anyone is having any luck finding ginseng in northeast Alabama? I have been in the woods 4 times and haven’t had any luck.

  20. Looking for a ginseng buyer in southern West Virginia. All quality roots and I’m not giving them away like most buyers want around here.

  21. Terry Manley
    North Webster,In

    Wanting fresh or dry ginseng and goldenseal. I pay more than any prices I’ve seen on here.
    Licensed in Ohio and Indiana.Text me for more information

    1. I’m currently located in west union illinois. I have no drivers license to deliver the ginsang approximately .206 lb that i currently have. If u are interested in buying any please do contact me. I should have more roots soon I do have a ginseng license so if you could please just get back ahold of me at 217-251-0183. Thanks and hope to hear back soon

  22. Hi I am a consumer and looking for some fresh or dried wild ginseng, Any offers? please contact me. I live in Greater Chicago area.

  23. I’m a digger got in into digging sang a few years back to get out.of house and.see nature more but it’s getting harder each year to sell what u dig I live in eastern KY and would love to have a buyer that doesn’t just want it for nothing it takes a lil to climb and dig it so why just give it to them thx hope all a safe and a good season this weather (rain) can make or break u all it’s looking like is the roots r absorbing all it can and when u dry it u have notta js if there was a buyer I’d sale it wet but I love to sell and.watch it dry also

  24. Been doing good in central Kentucky. Found over a pound of green seng in about 3 or 4 hours today and still got alot more to dig. Also finding snake root and yellow root. Think ginseng is going for $500.00 and snake root $90.00 a lb. Not sure about yellow root.

  25. Rochelle your ginseng is. 40 to60 year old been digging for40 year biggest root5 1/2 oz 72 berrys45 year old your roots are pretty

  26. Hi I have about 15 lbs of ginseng..about 25 as big as my hand ..need find a buyer in SE ky..and wondering what prices aee for the wild ginseng. .any help be appreciated. .

  27. I’m currently located in west union illinois. I have no drivers license to deliver the ginsang approximately .206 lb that i currently have. If u are interested in buying any please do contact me. I should have more roots soon I do have a ginseng license so if you could please just get back ahold of me at 217-251-0183. Thanks and hope to hear back soon

  28. Tn is at 280 and up for green and 800+ for good dry. North Carolina is 300 and up for green and I’ve heard as high as 1100 dry from somebody that sold it for that.hearin 900+ from dealers

  29. Looking for a buyer here in P.A…. I’m close to wv state line… .. Got around 600 roots drying… Usually take them to the trading post in uniontown PA but not sure he’s payin top price and I’ve got some nice roots this t…. Looking for a another buyer around swpa… Any info would be appreciated you can text me at 878 379 4037… Thanks

  30. Looking for dealers in W. VA area that sells fresh wild ginseng as well as dried ones. I use them for herbal medicine. Please text me 213-568-5361

  31. Hello everyone. Found a ton of ginseng this season. By the time it’s dead and done with, I think I’ll have close to 11-12 pounds dry. Probably have around 8-9 dry right now. Best buyer I’ve found is $650 and my local buyer is $600. If you can beat these prices, let me know.

  32. Hello everyone!
    My father lives in southeast Missouri and has a few lbs of dried ginseng to sell. His previous buyer has moved and he is looking for someone new to sell too. Do any of you know of someone with in a few hours of SE MO? Thank you so much!

  33. HI Im looking for a buyer near the Iron County Mo area any help would be greatly appreciated

    1. $410 is to cheap I started out paying $650 and am Paying $750 for good Ginseng Now, CASH no Checks you can Call Me at 750-835-8118 I Have Set the Price of Ginseng for the last 3 Years Because all of the Big Dealers will not Pay Good until they Don’t get Much Ginseng, But I only became a Dealer to Help The DIGGERS. Call Me @730-835-8119 ============Jim Maynard Southern Ohio

  34. Hi, I’m looking for a buyer near Ashland ,Ohio. And also does anyone know what ginseng is going for in Ohio? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  35. Pices still climbing on dry.upper east tn is at 850+ for good root .top grade will bring a little better.nc prices on dry are $950average up to $1500 for big roots.usually doesn’t top out til a week or so before thanksgiving.what are prices in your area?good luck to all with your sales this year.

      1. Chris birchfield Hampton tn.price based on quality .better the root better the price.he has always been fair with me.his number is 423 725 4559. TN only.if u are on North Carolina side Andrew wright 828 226 1595 also a fair dealer.North Carolina only.hope this helps.ive still got little over 10 lb I held back for right around Thanksgiving that is usually top of market from my experience.good luck to all on your sales.

    1. hey bob davidson i have about 10 lbs of dried ginseng looks really good and alot of good sized roots..wanna get best price i can..live in ky but am willing to travel some..i can send pics. plz let me know where I can sell my ginseng for that amount .can email me

  36. I have a half pound I’m needing to sale didn’t get to go much this year. I live in Dade county Ga just south of Chattanooga. I’m having a hard time finding anyone close to sale it to. It’s dried by the way. If anyone can help let me know.

  37. Warner’s herbs in Crossville TN is buying for $650 for dry. Looks almost worth to travel for a little more.

    1. there is a list of ginseng buyers online..just an FYI..Ive called and emailed a bunch of people and it really depends on where in ky you take it..ive heard all the way from $500-$700..so far that is..

  38. So my dad is a trucker and gets this stuff by the kilo every time he goes to west virginia. i dispatch him (i am a truck dispatcher) to the east coast like CT, then we’d work down to say about VA, then get a load back up to N J (but during this process stop by a dealer in west virginia to get the ginseng) and then go home from there. this is a tues-fri process (not including the first trip to CT which is mon-tues, tues on is what im talking about) – anyways, we have alot of the dried stuff for sale. i have from west virigina department of agriculture i believe it is that the ginseng i have is 100% NATURAL AND WILD!!! had a couple kilos dry and a couple kilos live, some are live if you wish to have live ginseng, and some we are drying this very moment. i am open for negotiation but i am not taking 50$ for a certified wild root. if you have 200-500$ we can talk about how much in weight of DRY AND LIVE WILD GINSENG FROM WEST VIrginia you want. i have pictures of the product, and the picture of authenticity. can show you what we’re doing with alot of the ginseng as well (slowcooker – 1lb of gingsng slow cooked for 24 hrs to get all nutrients out – lowest simmer possible and is ginseng tea good with water) and (alcohol tons of it, biggest bottles you can find, about 4 750mL of your finest vodka grey goose into a container add about 4 good size live ginseng roots and your vodka will be the BEST YOU’VE EVER HAD, SPECIAL OCCASION, AS IT TAKES YEARS.) this is korean tradition, as roots over there go for about $2000-$20,000 each. it’s nearly that here, though i am NOT selling my roots for $20 each, I can get you 5 for 250 as a special deal. they are huge and rings will show they are extremely aged min 20 years. my email is

    1. Hi David, I’m assuming you do have a license and can certify these roots for anyone buying across state lines? If you’re buying by the truckload, surely so, but just making sure.

  39. I have about 43 large roots that dried out to a lb. I live in SW Va. so is anybody interested in buying them. I can send a picture of them. Thanks, Chuck

    1. Donny Blankenship buys quite a bit in south central Kentucky. He usually pays as much or more than anyone else. You might give him a call at 270-872-6952.

  40. Robert C Mestdagh

    Yes I was just wondering if anybody can enlighten me on someone to buy my ginseng it’s wild American ginseng I have a 54.6 Oz picked in the Deep Woods of Iowa

      1. Jake got about 7 pounds in southern Missouri Shannon county are you interested in it417-247-0938

  41. I am currently looking for someone in the southern Indiana area to buy my ginseng. I have 9.41 ozs of wild ginseng lots of roots well over 20 years old (by attempting to count stem scars) it is all clean and dry. Any help/leads would be greatly appreciated. Email

  42. i am looking for a good price in ky..i have around 10 lbs and looking for a good price..can anyone help?? i dont mind to drive for a good price..nice big roots and have some pics.

    1. Did you find a good price we have 10 also. Any numbers would be great. 6063537191- landline. Ron B.

      1. Donny Blankenship has always paid me top dollar. I’ve been selling to him for years. His number is 270-872-6952. He covers a lot of Kentucky.

      2. Seller beware with Donny Blankenship. Comes off as just a nice old man but he really is just a snake in the grass. Likes to pay for Ginseng and then come back a couple of hours later saying your ginseng is cultivated.
        He then proceeds to cancel your check while also calling YOU and your father a crook. Guaranteed he went down the road and figured the price has dropped substantially.

  43. Its as if we need a page that list state, buyers in that state. Contact info and est purchase prices.

    1. I think Wildgrown.com has lists like that, but no dealer is going to list prices because they change so quickly. At least it is organized by state, though I don’t know how often it’s updated. The pages I do here leave the comments open for buyers and diggers to talk to each other and make connections on a yearly basis, so the info is current to the year, but I don’t have time for anything more than putting up the page and approving comments as they come in.

      1. First, I like to thank you for this web page. I like to see recent comments at the top of the page instead of going to the bottom to see updates. With that being said two dealers in Ohio and one in Ky quoted 750.00 a pound and been told differ times to hold it for a while.

        1. Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate that. I’ll look into how to rearrange the order of comments. It might be an easy click of a button. Thanks also for your contribution to the conversation on prices.

          1. I have kept a chart for the last 12 years and it peak most of time in 1st or 2nd week I dec, but last year in 3rd week of nov. Problem with that if your local buyers get their sack full. You have no one to sell too.

      2. Thank you for having this page for us Madison. I look through a lot of sites and FB pages about Ginseng and I find more honest info on prices here than anywhere. I have saw a lot of people asking about how long to hold before selling.I have been selling for over 30 yrs and have found from one week before Thanksgiving to first week of december.to be best.the market peaks in this time frame because dealers know what they need to fill orders. And exactly how much per lb they will be getting.The most important part of getting fair market value is a good relationship with a fair dealer and don’t get greedy and wait too long as once it peaks market falls rapidly.this is why you MUST have a dealer you can trust!!!this yr if you have good quality root 10 yrs old and up it should bring at least $800 a lb.premium should come close to$1000. some high demand areas(NY,vt,nc/TN mtns) will bring1200-1500$.dont be afraid to go through dealers list for your state to call and check prices that’s what it’s for.good luck to all with your sales.in the end if your happy with what you get then it’s a good price.

          1. Hi Brady if you mention where you’re located someone out there might be able to give you some leads. I don’t have a list here but sometimes the Agricultural Department of your state has a list at their website.

  44. Looking to sell in the southwest Missouri area: Greene County, Springfield. Any reputable buyers for seeds? Roots?

  45. Thank, Madison! That was fast, got on this morning and went to bottom of page until I realized I was going from backwards according to the months, so I came back up to the top of page! Wow, that was fast. I try to keep a chart on when to sell and when to hold it, and that always like walking a fine line. I’m a numbers guy seeing they never lie. Most of time over last ten years it peek during 1st or 2nd week of dec. last year I sold 725 on 2nd week of nov. but it peek at 750 a week later at 750. When you call buyers in different states and the price is jumping up and down it likely to go up. When it stable in different states and stuck in quicksand it time to sell. God bless you all. Please know this a big 4-prong can sow berries for 5 or 6 years, and sadly be wipe out by 1 forest fire.

    1. You’re welcome- wasn’t hard to do once I took a look. Comments box was still at the bottom after I rearranged the order, though, so I had to do a little code work to move it to the top too. Figured that would be better than having to scroll all the way down to leave a comment, lol. I didn’t realize HOW MANY comments there were on this page! Good job, y’all! Thanks to you and everyone who contributes.

  46. Hi
    I have probably a little more than a lb dried root and still bringing in fresh pretty regular. Looking for a buyer around Whiteside TN or maybe around Chattanooga TN if interested please let me know. Thanks.

    1. Dempsey Walker is a ginseng buyer in Blount County who has bought ginseng in Chattanooga. You can reach him at 865-705-8125.

    1. Do you have 900 lbs of cultivated dry root? Are they 3 years or 4 years? I could take all of the quality is good and price is right.

  47. I really don’t know about other places, but around here in eastern ky, me and my wife were talking about their not a lot of young people digging ginseng. It reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend last year at a funeral about the same thing. Maybe they’re not finding any, or it could be price, but I fear it going to be a lost art. I like to know what other people are seeing in their areas?

  48. I live in pikeville ky I have a little over 2 pounds of dry ginseng and I’m looking for a buyer close to home i need to know prices thank you

  49. The market has lost some strength. If you have hung on hoping for hitting the top you probably missed the boat. Still, there are buyers looking for quality roots. Count me in! I am licensed in Indiana and Ohio. I will accept certified root from anywhere. You can find my contact info on this forum.
    T.Manley Trading Co. Just scroll. You’ll find it.
    We should all thank Madison for making her web page available to all of us. I’ll go first.

  50. I have dealer lots for sale of top self dry wild iowa root, with certification papper work. All lots are fancy select w/ no fiber, size runs from 50 to a pound and up. Contact me @ for pictures and more information.

    1. Hi Melanie, I don’t buy it but maybe one of the buyers who watch this page will give you some averages soon. Where you’re located matters, though, so throw out your state and what part of it (don’t give your address here, though, just something like northeast KY is good enough).

  51. The Daniels' in Arkansas

    Thank you very much Madison for hosting this valuable forum. Through your page, my husband and I were able to connect with a very honest and fair ginseng dealer in Indiana. His name is Terry Manley. His phone number is 574-275-2100. We believe that T Manley Trading is paying the best overall price and Terry is a man of his word. Again, thank you Madison.

  52. Hope it was a good year for everyone out there who tend and care for the wild patches still surviving because of stewardship carried out by the diggers who love this plant.

    Come back and look for the 2019 Ginseng Prices page next season!

  53. I have about 7 to 10 pounds of wild grown ginseng it was dried the right way and about 10 to 15 years old and was kept put up by my paw paw and I inherited it when he died they r the ones that sale for the Highest prices from all the research I’ve done on the internet. I’d like to sale asap and all at one. My names Justin and can reach me on my cell or email me. 931242971. For more info I can send pics to serious buyers.

    1. Justin, you need to check the laws in your state. In some places, maybe all, it’s illegal to sell roots that were held over unless they have been certified by the agency in your state.

  54. Sorrry my cell number is 9312429756 and I live in Southern middle Tn in Lawrence county. Thank you

  55. I live in Meade county ky I have around 3 and 3 quarters of a pound of ginseng from last year, how much cash can I get for it and were can I sell it?

  56. Hello everyone! My name is Niketa, I am out of Southwest Virginia and currently looking for a dealer in or around my area wanting to upgrade their ginseng stash by about 12 or so more lbs!! I will be meeting with the VDOA soon to get it certified.I don’t mind to travel, I just want toake sure it’s worth the miles! I am afraid I already missed the peaking hour!😕 If anyone could give me a little info, please do so on here or

  57. I’m in Princeton WV looking for a dealer to buy ginseng! Everyone I call tell me they are done for the season. I have almost a pound of ginseng.

  58. Hello – I’m a Ginseng newbie. I have been researching ginseng growing and came across your site. I live in Upstate New York and my property has the potential for excellent ginseng growing. My question is do I have to get my Ginseng certified before I sell to a dealer or does the dealer do that? I’m trying to find out what I need to legally do on my end to sell to a dealer including if I need to create an LLC or if I can just claim the sale on my taxes.

    1. Hi Patti, all of the states have their own regulations in place, and they’re not all the same. Here’s a link to the NY regulations and ginseng program page. It should give you some information and at least some contact information to find out more if it doesn’t have all the answers you need: https://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7130.html

      As for reporting on your taxes, any income you make from it should be able to be reported on your individual return as income, unless you intend to make a business out of growing/selling as a nursery or something like that. Then a schedule C would work unless you want to do the LLC. It should be your choice. If you’re going to start growing it now, it’ll be at least 10 years before you have to worry about claiming much income if you’re digging the roots, though, unless you’re going to grow commercially/cultivated and then you’d need large scale. It’s not as quick and easy as it sounds to make regular, good income from ginseng.

  59. Say if I made a investment and waited 12 years and I plant a 15×200 foot area every year with ginseng at 8 inch spacing in 4 ft long rows 3 rows on each long space…. doing the math if every root is 2 0zs estimating low ball 450 lbs min every year of 12 year old seng what price do u think that would be as most seng is 5 years old that is cultivated

    1. That is sort of what my plan was in the beginning. It didn’t work for me because not all of the land I have will support it. If you’re planting wild simulated, that sounds like a great plan. If you’re planning to raise it like cultivated ginseng, the reason they only keep them in the ground 3-5 years is because that’s about as long as they’ll live before disease and fungus kills them. And I believe the ground can only be used once that way without a period of years between crops. But I have no experience with the woods-grown or hoop house cultivated, only wild sim and mine aren’t planted in rows or beds except for the seedlings I sell. The rest of them are scattered around in the woods in the sort of pockets they’d occupy if they were true wild. Maybe someone here has some estimates for you, but prices fluctuate from year to year some and it’ll depend on whether your roots look wild or cultivated.

  60. John,
    There is no way of ever being able to estimate what amount of ginseng you may have in 5, 10 or 12 years. Even if your land is able to grow and sustain ginseng, other factors like disease, drought, wet seasons, animals, etc etc. will always affect your crop.
    A general rule of thumb that I follow is that after 5 years of growing, you will likely have 30% of what you originally planted.
    Hope this helps!

  61. Bronya F. Fennell

    Hi, I wonder if you can help me. I was recently working on a hillside,clearing and burning debris after a tree crew and stump removal equipment when I found what I think is a large ginseng root. How can I find out for real?

  62. Hi! I am a newbie and have done some research. I live in upstate SC. I have some campanion plants with the right hardwoods and just about ideal shade amounts. The soil tests show a slightly lower ph than ideal. My question is do you know if where ground cedar grows, would that compliment my ginseng growing? I plan to grow wild-simulated scattered on my 8 acres… thanks for any advice!

    1. Hi Dan, I’m going to copy/paste your question over on the current page: https://www.wildozark.com/2019-ginseng-prices. As for cedars, I have a patch of ginseng growing under eastern red cedar and they’re doing fine. They’re not doing as well as the ones that grow in the deep shady woods in some of the other spots with no cedars, but they’re surviving. pH here goes pretty low, too, but as long as you have good calcium levels I don’t think a low pH is a problem at all. Offhand, I can’t remember what a ‘good’ calcium level is, but it is unusual (and desirable) to have low pH and high calcium numbers. Bob Beyfuss wrote about this in one of his books.

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