The only American ginseng nursery in Arkansas. Operated by Madison Woods, artist & ginseng steward. ‘Madison Woods’ is a business name. My real name is Roxann Riedel, and I’m also a sales agent for Montgomery Whiteley Realty.
The 2015 ginseng prices is a discussion and information page for diggers, growers, and dealers/buyers. Prices discussed on this page are from diggers and dealer/buyers- wholesale- NOT retail prices.
Quality Control Question: Out of all the “good” votes I got for this page last year, several of you gave it an “awful” rating. Let me know what you’d like to see done differently! All feedback is welcome – tell me what you liked, what you didn’t like and what you’d like to see in 2016 that wasn’t on 2015’s page. Thanks!
I have a monthly inventory report for those who are interested in buying exceptional wild ginseng roots and leaves for personal consumption or gift-giving.
Check the comment section for more updates. Post the prices you’re seeing in your neck of the woods, note which state please.
This is intended to be a running report from readers of 2015 ginseng prices. I’ll update the AR info when I get feedback from our local buyer. You report what prices you’re seeing in other states or AR, then we can all have an idea of the market as it unfolds.
AR as of 11/20/15
Newton’s in Harrison is not buying dry or fresh.
last word from Mills on 10/24/15 is that he is still not buying dry, he’s not sure but doesn’t think any of the other local buyers are either. His contact with dry ginseng in Hong Kong can’t move it there and is not buying until he can. – Mills Ginseng, Harrison AR
IA as of 12/1-15
$575, northern IA – submitted by TL
IL as of 11/12/15
550.00 for dry in southeastern Illinois. – Boxcar Waddell
IN as of 9/18/15
I’m in central Indiana. 9/18/15 we’re able to get $120 wet and $420 for the good dry …everyone is digging good…but Chinese aren’t looking for it…not promising for the higher prices – Dustin Norman
KY as of 11/13/15
Kisers in Grayson, KY is at $600 lb for top
MD as of 12/10/15
We’re paying $650 per pound now at Catoctin Mtn Botanicals in Jefferson, MD. – Steve Galloway
NC root prices as of 11/12/15
Prices in nc (Mitchell co) don Phillips were at 700$ and up for good nc mtn root as of 11/12/15.looks like it might have a chance at hitting 8 by prices I’ve seen this yr. – Bob Davidson
NY and VT as of 11/30/15
I’m currently paying an average of $900/lb. for dry roots. I mainly buy Vermont roots, but I get some eastern NY diggers as well. I still pay up to $1000/lb., but only for the highest quality roots. Size/shape/color/density are all very important characteristics, but to me, the most important is age. If you send me a pic of what you consider top-grade, I’d be happy to let you know if I’m interested at $1000/lb. They would also have to be certified by the state they were collected from (added by Madison – I think this means any state except VT). – John Jacobs 603-306-4675
OH as of 11/13/15
Zanesville, OH. Gillogly & Son is at $625 for top grade – Bob Davidson
VA as of 11/28/15
Wise County, $600/lb – Jacinda
WV as of 10/23/15
Got price today in Preston County WV $450 dry an $475 dry older roots 10/23/15 – WV Cat
We start with green Tanzania Peaberry coffee beans and roast them close to French. Then we grind them and add dried ginseng tops, making each vacuum packed 1/2 pound wildly special. Get some!
In northwest Arkansas?
You might be interested in attending one of my workshops. Check the “Appearances” tab or book one for a group at the location of your choice today. Here’s the “Learn About Ginseng” page.
Besides homesteading, teaching about ginseng, growing plants & making crafty things and newsletters, I write books and stories. My sci-fantasy fiction usually takes place in a much altered Ozarks and can be found at my fiction site ““. All of the nonfiction (ginseng and nature) is at Amazon under “Madison Woods“.
If anyone is interested, leave a comment and I’ll forward you his email addy. Addy’s don’t show up here (unless you type it into the comment), but if you enter it when you leave the comment, I’ll be able to forward you to Arnold.
Josh dunn
90$ green 350$ dry is the price this year due to china’s market crash. I hope it turns around .
I have a friend who lives in Thailand and just brought back 100% genuine Korean Honeyed Ginseng Root (vacuum packaged & highest quality in the world). Also most potent.
Please email me for inquries:
Starting September 1, 2015, Wet ginseng prices for Southwest Virginia is $165 a pound or $10 an ounce
Thanks for the update Lori. That’s promising. I believe dry is usually about 3x wet? Not sure.
Hopefully we’ll get some more prices listed. Please update if yours go up or down, or if you find out what it’s going for when they start buying dry 🙂
as of September 16,2015 prices on ginseng is $160 a pound wet and $400 dry in Southwest Virginia
Josh dunn
456 brooks lane
Josh dunn
I am a 36 year old veteran of ozark’s . I have patchs of ginseng with 1000 plants i it. last year I sold around 10 pounds of the highest quality”wild” 20/40 year old plants. I am looking for a buyer for this rare age of plants and properly dug roots. I have been around it my whole life . from brakes in black mo my uncle tudor and martha dunn owned, to ellington mo buyers . I am looking for a buyer that not only knows high grade old ozark seng from basic diggers. If you want 5/7 single stalk plants E-mail me at . If the market does not turn I will just re-seed my wild patchs and wait until next year. 200$ a pound wet is a fair price ,but I will take best offer if it is fair……under 150$ per pound green I still will dig it , but not the mother roots with 200 berry stalks.
Anonymous name is David Cho.i am interesting buying wild ginsang.Please e- mail me your phone number .joinsusa
hay.Josh. Can you contact me. .i am looking for greeen.
my cell 214-677-3180 .thanks
No one from KY had reported any prices yet. If you hear of some please come back and let us know – thanks!
Josh dunn
Today I found out a very sad thing . prices have started at 90$ wet and 350 $ dry. I cannot dig my wild patchs this year. I got 175$ wet last year for my very old ginseng . around 30 yeard old . I hope this helps . I also hope china and other consumers markets rebound. josh
Oh no, that is a very bad price. Yeah, I was afraid of that happening. Are you in AR? I’ll have to check with Mills Ginseng to get an update on whether he’s still buying.
I am looking for a buyer ,I have acess to very old mother plants .Biggest a seven prong standing 2 1/2 foot tall with a berry stalk with around 100 seeds . I will not dig the best roots in the mid west for 90$ wet 350$ dry. even with china market crash the demand is there . I was getting 175$ wet 600 dry last year. If you are interested in the highest quality e mail me you information. thanks josh
Dustin Norman
I’m in central Indiana. 9/18/15 we’re able to get $120 wet and $420 for the good dry …everyone is digging good…but Chinese aren’t looking for it…not promising for the higher prices
Well, that’s better than we’re seeing out here but I hope it improves. Thanks for the update. I know everyone appreciates hearing from all of you who have commented so far.
I would like to buy wild or wild-simulated dry ginseng. Please email me with price/shipping at
Please let me know if you are able to provide certificate to bring it overseas.
I dug 2 pounds today “green” but didnt dig the biggest . if the market inclines i will dig more. as of now I am digging in new areas. I figure the less we sell green the better the ending . 🙂
Love this website! I’m new to the ginseng world, but have a few acres with wild ginseng on it. Can you please keep me updated with 2015 prices as I am not going to dig at the prices now. Have owned this property since 1976 and ginseng has never been harvested, even before I bought it. I am 68 years old and prices would have to go up before I dig. Thanking you in advance.
Hi Sandi, and thank you for visiting and caring for your ginseng 🙂 As I get news from the Ozark area, I update that info but I rely on all the other good folks from all around to leave the comments to update us all. I think you can follow the comments on this page – that would be the best way to keep tabs on it. Yes, except for what I use in my balms and household stores, I would leave it in the ground too right now.
Hi, I am interested in buying some of your ginseng for personal use. Please email me prices at
Alice. Looking for roots ideally over 15 years old. Also need wild ginger, black cohosh ( snakeroot) and jack in the pulp ( indian turnip)
Hey all you diggers from Pennsylvania (and everywhere) – a reader would like input on these roots. Are they ginseng, and if not, can you tell what they are? They don’t look like ginseng to me, but we’d like some second (and third) opinions 🙂
All I know is they are buyers and advertise great prices for top-quality, perfectly dried in a certain way roots. If you’re not in PA, you’d have to get a buyer’s license to be able to sell to them though. Unless they’re registered to buy from all producing states, and I’m not sure if they are or not. He has a link on the 2014 prices page. The link to that page is at the bottom of this post.
Mills Ginseng
Be cautious of buyers promising outrageously high prices. They will “cherry pick” your ginseng and only give you top dollar for a hand full of roots, more often telling you how inferior your lot is so they don’t have to pay their advertised price. If you keep your lot intact you will get a better over all price for it. If you bring me a lot that has been “cherry picked” I will either offer you very little for it or not buy it at all, because it will be a hard sell for me. The farther up the chain you go the harder the roots are judged and graded. In the current market if the roots aren’t 15+ years old they are nearly impossible to sell.
Bob davidson
East tn prices are 450 dry avg.550 for top grade. 160 fresh
Thanks for the update Bob. Seems like a slow year all around.
Bob davidson
I believe we gave them the keys to the kingdom as far as setting our dry prices when we started selling our root to them fresh.afraid that is going to become more apparent in next few seasons to come.they think market down,buy fresh cheap,replant.even leave your dirt on it!it grows increases value one fold then allow market to correct.then they cash in.not to mention seed sales.I pray I’m wrong but I call em like I see them
I hope that’s not the case, but I never looked into why the fresh roots were requested. If someone’s reading this who uses fresh, if you can give a different outlook, please do. I thought it was because the fresh is used for steaming and cooking, and the dirt on keeps it from mildewing or molding, sort of like potatoes.
Here’s input from Mills Ginseng (link is above in the post) about the dried/fresh market, and a bit about the market in general:
“The Chinese primarily want it dry. Their economy is in a tail spin right now and they simply are not buying dry. I spoke with one national buyer who has a lot of dry ginseng in Hong Kong that is not moving. “If I can’t sell a pound I’m not going to buy a pound.”. Koreans want the ginseng fresh, and are the dominating force in the market right now. If the Chinese or Koreans for that matter wanted to plant ginseng they would simply buy seeds, it is far and away more economical.”
Bob davidson
Re:more economical to buy seeds.I see how it looks more economical for them to buy seeds.however,I don’t think you can compare planting seeds to replanting green matter how much u save buying seeds u simply can’t make up for the years of growing the green root has already done.not to mention if u plant and grow from seed you have slick obviously cultivated seign.but if u replant wild green roots they will maintain wild characteristics even with additives to speed growth.ending in selling root at wild prices instead of cultivated prices.also are setting up farms in app.mtns so the only overseas shipping is at final sale.the perfect way to keep roots viable until market suits buyer.anytime there is a sizeable profit to cutting out middle man,someone is going to find a way to do so
Alternative medicine of Md
Found a double Shute ginseng plant… I Wanted to post a picture but it won’t let me
I can’t find a way to allow it in the comments or from users. If you email it to me, I’ll put it on my pictures page and put a link to it in your comment 🙂 madison(at)wildozark(dot)com. I’d love to see!
i live in wv the prices here havnt been very good here either 425 to 450 had a buyer from md offer me 500 im holding mine for now i found some nice patches 1 had 34 four prongs with no small sang around at all it was growing in a brier patch about waist high it seemed strange with plants producing as many seeds as these were that none of them grew i planted the seeds farther up the hill in more wooded area has anyone found monster sang growing like this
It is odd to not have any seedlings. Maybe they already withered? I found a single plant the other day in an area I wouldn’t have expected like that, and I could see that it had made berries but there were no other plants around it. Then I poked around a bit and found some seedlings that had already wilted and had become covered with other fall leaves. So it did reproduce successfully, I just couldn’t see that at first. Hopefully that’s what happened to yours. On our place I haven’t found any site with that many old ones in a single patch. (Yet).
No one’s posted any yet – hopefully someone will see a FB share of this post somewhere and drop us some info!
Bob davidson
Prices in nc (Mitchell co) don Phillips were at 700$ and up for good nc mtn root as of 11/12/15.looks like it might have a chance at hitting 8 by prices I’ve seen this yr.hope that helps Mrs.Worsley.
Thomas, is that farmed or wild-sim or is 3 years the minimum age for roots in Wisconsin? It’s 5 years here for wild, but I could sell my wild-sim at 3 if I wanted. $80/lb is awful beyond belief if that’s for wild.
Wild Ginseng (dried)…$550 to $650 Per LB:
The age of ginseng root must be from 10 to 35 years old
The neck of ginseng root must be from 1 to 3 inches or longer
Each pound of ginseng contains about 20-30% of bulby roots.
Root must be without any damage. With lateral roots attached & with neck attached. And with deep rings on the body of root.
Chris curtis
Ive got 7 lbs dry minnesota, wisconsin border. Mississippi river valley. Very high quality mature wild roots. Looking to sell at premium price , due to quality. 80-130 roots per lb. Average is 2-350 roots per lb. One root was half lb. Got pics! Contact
Thanks – I added all the updates for the various states I’ve gotten so far to the top of the post to make them easier to find. Now we have IL, IN, WV, NC, AR, MO prices listed. I’ll try to update when new reports come in.
Bob davidson
Hey Madison I have some prices for a couple states you are zanesville,ohio.gillogly and son is at $625 for top grade.and kisers in Grayson
Ky is at $600 lb for top.hope this of luck to all fellow diggers on their sales.thank you for starting this page Madison it has become a great tool for us diggers to see if we are getting treated fairly by our local dealers.
Thanks Bob! Glad to have these updates and glad to be of service 🙂 I think there will be discrepancies sometimes still because buyers don’t all have the same contacts and may not be getting the same prices across the board, and some have smaller quantities to trade with and so make less overall from mark-ups, but there surely shouldn’t be extreme differences. When one state starts seeing a rise, it would seem they should all begin following suit eventually. And prices should definitely be close within a single state.
Bob davidson
I agree with you about the discrepancies.the new grading system has some role in them as well.different counties of the same state can have major differences in elevation and soil type.these differences can add up to a substantial difference in prices(up to $300 lb).for instance in tn northeastern counties like carter,unicoi,and Johnson co. produce nc style bulby top dollar root($600/$700lb)current market.but if you go 50 miles west to Knoxville you would be lucky to get $500lb for root cared for in same way.elevation and soil type determine price more than which state its from.this grading system makes it more important than ever to get local prices from a reputable dealer.hope our prices continue to of luck to all!
This is excellent insight Bob. When I have time to update my page later, I’ll bring it up to the top to make sure everyone gets to read it. And I’ll probably carry it over from year to year, too.
Cynthia dean
My mother was having a piece of land cleared I noticed around the root of a upturned stump this beautiful ginseng root. It weighs 4.79 ounces where do I contact to sell it
Cynthia, what state are you in? If you’re in AR, try Mills Ginseng. If you’re in another state, try to see if there’s a posting from someone about prices from that state and comment under their comment for contact info for buyers of that area. I’d love to see a pic of it and post it here if you wouldn’t mind.
I am from Southwest Va and the price we were just told for a pound is $600.
Alex, I’m not sure Jacinda will come back to this page this year (this is the 2015 prices page). You might try posting a request for info on the 2016 page and see if anyone has prices for your area: If you’re looking to buy ginseng and want to email me, I know a few people who can sell across state lines.
Here’s a question from a reader in the Pacific NW. I’m not familiar with growing or selling ginseng in that region. If any of you out there have experience, please comment with advice:
“hello and thank you so much for all the info you provide at this website!
I live in the Pacific NW, about an hour north of Seattle, and I’ve read that this location is good for growing Ginseng. I have five acres of forested land and a stream, and across the stream is a slope that faces north so I think that would be a good place to plant. There are some maples on my land, but none of the other trees you listed. The forest is mostly Cedar, with Fir, Hemlock and Alder. Near the stream it seems to be mostly Alder. Do you think that would be a suitable habitat for Ginseng? I don’t think any of the companion plants you listed grow here naturally. There is usually some Holly or Oregon grape, Huckleberry and Solomon’s Seal in the undergrowth. Before I invest in the roots or seeds, I would like to know if this will be worth the effort.
Hi there.. I’m not sure if any of have heard of my father. . Fred Hosemans. . The pioneer of ginseng growing in Australia. .was purchasing american seed and roots from Scott Pearsons Anyway my dad passed away in December and has left me with around 20kg of dried root and 5kg of powder. . I would like to sell it all..
I need it gone. I don’t have the room to store it.
Would someone there be interested in it … going cheap.
Andrew Hosemans +61 402840018
Thank you for your efforts. Don’t know who gets off on saying anyone’s weblog is “awful”, given the amount of time and effort it takes to provide such information. I will seek out your other posts and/or blogs I am only curious about Ginseng prices and ran across your site. I used to spend a lot of times in various parts of the Ozarks, but I now live in Tennessee; although my jaunts into the woods are less frequent now, I did recently rediscover a healthy patch of it growing in a remote area over here.
I see that we have several common interests, so I am going to post a blog link of my own that I am only guessing may interest you or your followers. It is one of two of my oddball blogs totally dedicated to alternative (without matches or lighters) fire starting methods and history. I apologize if this is too far off topic.
Hey PapaD, I just spent a few seconds over at your blog and it looks pretty interesting. I think most ‘sengers are also interested in these sorts of things. Do you mind if I put a note about your page in my newsletter? It’s running late this month, but I will be sending it out hopefully next week.
As for “awful” ratings, lol, mostly I want to know WHY someone rates it that low so I can make it better each year (if it’s something within reason). Sometimes though I think people react to it that way if they don’t see prices they like or don’t like the news or something. Thank you for your comments and the link to your blog. What’s the other oddball page link?
Pingback: Ginseng Root Prices 2014
Hi, Singapore registered company has supply of Korean ginseng for sale. Interested please contact. Thanks!
If anyone is interested, leave a comment and I’ll forward you his email addy. Addy’s don’t show up here (unless you type it into the comment), but if you enter it when you leave the comment, I’ll be able to forward you to Arnold.
90$ green 350$ dry is the price this year due to china’s market crash. I hope it turns around .
I have a friend who lives in Thailand and just brought back 100% genuine Korean Honeyed Ginseng Root (vacuum packaged & highest quality in the world). Also most potent.
Please email me for inquries:
Starting September 1, 2015, Wet ginseng prices for Southwest Virginia is $165 a pound or $10 an ounce
Thanks for the update Lori. That’s promising. I believe dry is usually about 3x wet? Not sure.
Hopefully we’ll get some more prices listed. Please update if yours go up or down, or if you find out what it’s going for when they start buying dry 🙂
as of September 16,2015 prices on ginseng is $160 a pound wet and $400 dry in Southwest Virginia
456 brooks lane
I am a 36 year old veteran of ozark’s . I have patchs of ginseng with 1000 plants i it. last year I sold around 10 pounds of the highest quality”wild” 20/40 year old plants. I am looking for a buyer for this rare age of plants and properly dug roots. I have been around it my whole life . from brakes in black mo my uncle tudor and martha dunn owned, to ellington mo buyers . I am looking for a buyer that not only knows high grade old ozark seng from basic diggers. If you want 5/7 single stalk plants E-mail me at . If the market does not turn I will just re-seed my wild patchs and wait until next year. 200$ a pound wet is a fair price ,but I will take best offer if it is fair……under 150$ per pound green I still will dig it , but not the mother roots with 200 berry stalks. name is David Cho.i am interesting buying wild ginsang.Please e- mail me your phone number .joinsusa
hay.Josh. Can you contact me. .i am looking for greeen.
my cell 214-677-3180 .thanks
Pingback: Ginseng in Early September
Just wondering about the prices of Ginseng for Ky for 2015.
No one from KY had reported any prices yet. If you hear of some please come back and let us know – thanks!
Today I found out a very sad thing . prices have started at 90$ wet and 350 $ dry. I cannot dig my wild patchs this year. I got 175$ wet last year for my very old ginseng . around 30 yeard old . I hope this helps . I also hope china and other consumers markets rebound. josh
Oh no, that is a very bad price. Yeah, I was afraid of that happening. Are you in AR? I’ll have to check with Mills Ginseng to get an update on whether he’s still buying.
Saw on Mill’s site (AR) that he’s stopped buying dry altogether because the bottom fell out.
I was wondering if anyone knew what ohio started at dry today
Betty, I spoke with a digger in Ohio yesterday and they didn’t know prices yet.
eolia mo. 100 fresh 400 dry for quality ginseng 9-16-2015
Thanks for the update Micheal. I hope prices AR comes back soon with better numbers.
What’s the number to the buyer in eolia
Does anyone know how much Wisconsin dry roots are going for this year?
hi every one im looking for genuine ginseng buyer i have lots items
kindly contact me plz
hi every one im looking for genuine ginseng buyer i have lots items
kindly contact me plz
my whatsapp 008472834096
Got price for my ginseng @ $200 /lb dry AR. I’m done digging this year.
Yeah, better to leave them in the ground. Thanks for the update.
I am looking for a buyer ,I have acess to very old mother plants .Biggest a seven prong standing 2 1/2 foot tall with a berry stalk with around 100 seeds . I will not dig the best roots in the mid west for 90$ wet 350$ dry. even with china market crash the demand is there . I was getting 175$ wet 600 dry last year. If you are interested in the highest quality e mail me you information. thanks josh
I’m in central Indiana. 9/18/15 we’re able to get $120 wet and $420 for the good dry …everyone is digging good…but Chinese aren’t looking for it…not promising for the higher prices
Well, that’s better than we’re seeing out here but I hope it improves. Thanks for the update. I know everyone appreciates hearing from all of you who have commented so far.
I would like to buy wild or wild-simulated dry ginseng. Please email me with price/shipping at
Please let me know if you are able to provide certificate to bring it overseas.
Hi Peter, I’ve forwarded your message to one person I know who might be interested. Maybe others will see your comment here and reply.
Thank you!
Price is up by $50 in Southern West Virginia at $400 per dry pound now
Good! Thanks for the update 🙂
For what age? Got some 10-20 y/o wild.
I dug 2 pounds today “green” but didnt dig the biggest . if the market inclines i will dig more. as of now I am digging in new areas. I figure the less we sell green the better the ending . 🙂
I think you’re right.
Love this website! I’m new to the ginseng world, but have a few acres with wild ginseng on it. Can you please keep me updated with 2015 prices as I am not going to dig at the prices now. Have owned this property since 1976 and ginseng has never been harvested, even before I bought it. I am 68 years old and prices would have to go up before I dig. Thanking you in advance.
Hi Sandi, and thank you for visiting and caring for your ginseng 🙂 As I get news from the Ozark area, I update that info but I rely on all the other good folks from all around to leave the comments to update us all. I think you can follow the comments on this page – that would be the best way to keep tabs on it. Yes, except for what I use in my balms and household stores, I would leave it in the ground too right now.
Hi, I am interested in buying some of your ginseng for personal use. Please email me prices at
Alice. Looking for roots ideally over 15 years old. Also need wild ginger, black cohosh ( snakeroot) and jack in the pulp ( indian turnip)
Hey all you diggers from Pennsylvania (and everywhere) – a reader would like input on these roots. Are they ginseng, and if not, can you tell what they are? They don’t look like ginseng to me, but we’d like some second (and third) opinions 🙂
The post with the pictures is here:
What do you know about TNA ginseng out of Pennsylvania? ??
All I know is they are buyers and advertise great prices for top-quality, perfectly dried in a certain way roots. If you’re not in PA, you’d have to get a buyer’s license to be able to sell to them though. Unless they’re registered to buy from all producing states, and I’m not sure if they are or not. He has a link on the 2014 prices page. The link to that page is at the bottom of this post.
Be cautious of buyers promising outrageously high prices. They will “cherry pick” your ginseng and only give you top dollar for a hand full of roots, more often telling you how inferior your lot is so they don’t have to pay their advertised price. If you keep your lot intact you will get a better over all price for it. If you bring me a lot that has been “cherry picked” I will either offer you very little for it or not buy it at all, because it will be a hard sell for me. The farther up the chain you go the harder the roots are judged and graded. In the current market if the roots aren’t 15+ years old they are nearly impossible to sell.
East tn prices are 450 dry avg.550 for top grade. 160 fresh
Thanks for the update Bob. Seems like a slow year all around.
I believe we gave them the keys to the kingdom as far as setting our dry prices when we started selling our root to them fresh.afraid that is going to become more apparent in next few seasons to come.they think market down,buy fresh cheap,replant.even leave your dirt on it!it grows increases value one fold then allow market to correct.then they cash in.not to mention seed sales.I pray I’m wrong but I call em like I see them
I hope that’s not the case, but I never looked into why the fresh roots were requested. If someone’s reading this who uses fresh, if you can give a different outlook, please do. I thought it was because the fresh is used for steaming and cooking, and the dirt on keeps it from mildewing or molding, sort of like potatoes.
Here’s input from Mills Ginseng (link is above in the post) about the dried/fresh market, and a bit about the market in general:
“The Chinese primarily want it dry. Their economy is in a tail spin right now and they simply are not buying dry. I spoke with one national buyer who has a lot of dry ginseng in Hong Kong that is not moving. “If I can’t sell a pound I’m not going to buy a pound.”. Koreans want the ginseng fresh, and are the dominating force in the market right now. If the Chinese or Koreans for that matter wanted to plant ginseng they would simply buy seeds, it is far and away more economical.”
Re:more economical to buy seeds.I see how it looks more economical for them to buy seeds.however,I don’t think you can compare planting seeds to replanting green matter how much u save buying seeds u simply can’t make up for the years of growing the green root has already done.not to mention if u plant and grow from seed you have slick obviously cultivated seign.but if u replant wild green roots they will maintain wild characteristics even with additives to speed growth.ending in selling root at wild prices instead of cultivated prices.also are setting up farms in app.mtns so the only overseas shipping is at final sale.the perfect way to keep roots viable until market suits buyer.anytime there is a sizeable profit to cutting out middle man,someone is going to find a way to do so
Found a double Shute ginseng plant… I Wanted to post a picture but it won’t let me
I can’t find a way to allow it in the comments or from users. If you email it to me, I’ll put it on my pictures page and put a link to it in your comment 🙂 madison(at)wildozark(dot)com. I’d love to see!
I won’t be digging my ginseng at these prices.
i live in wv the prices here havnt been very good here either 425 to 450 had a buyer from md offer me 500 im holding mine for now i found some nice patches 1 had 34 four prongs with no small sang around at all it was growing in a brier patch about waist high it seemed strange with plants producing as many seeds as these were that none of them grew i planted the seeds farther up the hill in more wooded area has anyone found monster sang growing like this
It is odd to not have any seedlings. Maybe they already withered? I found a single plant the other day in an area I wouldn’t have expected like that, and I could see that it had made berries but there were no other plants around it. Then I poked around a bit and found some seedlings that had already wilted and had become covered with other fall leaves. So it did reproduce successfully, I just couldn’t see that at first. Hopefully that’s what happened to yours. On our place I haven’t found any site with that many old ones in a single patch. (Yet).
Any prices from nc?
No one’s posted any yet – hopefully someone will see a FB share of this post somewhere and drop us some info!
Prices in nc (Mitchell co) don Phillips were at 700$ and up for good nc mtn root as of 11/12/15.looks like it might have a chance at hitting 8 by prices I’ve seen this yr.hope that helps Mrs.Worsley.
That’s excellent news, Bob! I hope our own market comes back, too.
Got price today in Preston County WV $450 dry an $475 dry older roots 10/23/15
Thanks for the update WV Cat. I have an update from our local buyer here in the Ozarks to post in a little while. He’s not buying dry at all anymore.
Wis. buyers bought roots for $80 per dry lbs for 3yearlings. I have another 2acres that will be 4yearlings next year, I hope the market turns around!
Thomas, is that farmed or wild-sim or is 3 years the minimum age for roots in Wisconsin? It’s 5 years here for wild, but I could sell my wild-sim at 3 if I wanted. $80/lb is awful beyond belief if that’s for wild.
Wild Ginseng (dried)…$550 to $650 Per LB:
The age of ginseng root must be from 10 to 35 years old
The neck of ginseng root must be from 1 to 3 inches or longer
Each pound of ginseng contains about 20-30% of bulby roots.
Root must be without any damage. With lateral roots attached & with neck attached. And with deep rings on the body of root.
Ive got 7 lbs dry minnesota, wisconsin border. Mississippi river valley. Very high quality mature wild roots. Looking to sell at premium price , due to quality. 80-130 roots per lb. Average is 2-350 roots per lb. One root was half lb. Got pics! Contact
Thanks for the nc price update.
550.00 for dry in southeastern Illinois.
Thanks – I added all the updates for the various states I’ve gotten so far to the top of the post to make them easier to find. Now we have IL, IN, WV, NC, AR, MO prices listed. I’ll try to update when new reports come in.
Hey Madison I have some prices for a couple states you are zanesville,ohio.gillogly and son is at $625 for top grade.and kisers in Grayson
Ky is at $600 lb for top.hope this of luck to all fellow diggers on their sales.thank you for starting this page Madison it has become a great tool for us diggers to see if we are getting treated fairly by our local dealers.
Thanks Bob! Glad to have these updates and glad to be of service 🙂 I think there will be discrepancies sometimes still because buyers don’t all have the same contacts and may not be getting the same prices across the board, and some have smaller quantities to trade with and so make less overall from mark-ups, but there surely shouldn’t be extreme differences. When one state starts seeing a rise, it would seem they should all begin following suit eventually. And prices should definitely be close within a single state.
I agree with you about the discrepancies.the new grading system has some role in them as well.different counties of the same state can have major differences in elevation and soil type.these differences can add up to a substantial difference in prices(up to $300 lb).for instance in tn northeastern counties like carter,unicoi,and Johnson co. produce nc style bulby top dollar root($600/$700lb)current market.but if you go 50 miles west to Knoxville you would be lucky to get $500lb for root cared for in same way.elevation and soil type determine price more than which state its from.this grading system makes it more important than ever to get local prices from a reputable dealer.hope our prices continue to of luck to all!
This is excellent insight Bob. When I have time to update my page later, I’ll bring it up to the top to make sure everyone gets to read it. And I’ll probably carry it over from year to year, too.
My mother was having a piece of land cleared I noticed around the root of a upturned stump this beautiful ginseng root. It weighs 4.79 ounces where do I contact to sell it
Cynthia, what state are you in? If you’re in AR, try Mills Ginseng. If you’re in another state, try to see if there’s a posting from someone about prices from that state and comment under their comment for contact info for buyers of that area. I’d love to see a pic of it and post it here if you wouldn’t mind.
I am from Southwest Va and the price we were just told for a pound is $600.
Nice! Thanks for the update – I’ll add it to the list.
I am from Wise County
What’s your price for 1lb dry jacinda
Alex, I’m not sure Jacinda will come back to this page this year (this is the 2015 prices page). You might try posting a request for info on the 2016 page and see if anyone has prices for your area: If you’re looking to buy ginseng and want to email me, I know a few people who can sell across state lines.
575.00 northern ia.
Thanks for the update TL. I’ve added it to the list at the top of the post.
Here’s a question from a reader in the Pacific NW. I’m not familiar with growing or selling ginseng in that region. If any of you out there have experience, please comment with advice:
“hello and thank you so much for all the info you provide at this website!
I live in the Pacific NW, about an hour north of Seattle, and I’ve read that this location is good for growing Ginseng. I have five acres of forested land and a stream, and across the stream is a slope that faces north so I think that would be a good place to plant. There are some maples on my land, but none of the other trees you listed. The forest is mostly Cedar, with Fir, Hemlock and Alder. Near the stream it seems to be mostly Alder. Do you think that would be a suitable habitat for Ginseng? I don’t think any of the companion plants you listed grow here naturally. There is usually some Holly or Oregon grape, Huckleberry and Solomon’s Seal in the undergrowth. Before I invest in the roots or seeds, I would like to know if this will be worth the effort.
Pingback: What's the Big Deal About Ginseng?
Hi there.. I’m not sure if any of have heard of my father. . Fred Hosemans. . The pioneer of ginseng growing in Australia. .was purchasing american seed and roots from Scott Pearsons Anyway my dad passed away in December and has left me with around 20kg of dried root and 5kg of powder. . I would like to sell it all..
I need it gone. I don’t have the room to store it.
Would someone there be interested in it … going cheap.
Andrew Hosemans +61 402840018
Hi Andrew, sorry to hear of your dad’s passing. I hope someone picks up on your deal soon.
Thank you for your efforts. Don’t know who gets off on saying anyone’s weblog is “awful”, given the amount of time and effort it takes to provide such information. I will seek out your other posts and/or blogs I am only curious about Ginseng prices and ran across your site. I used to spend a lot of times in various parts of the Ozarks, but I now live in Tennessee; although my jaunts into the woods are less frequent now, I did recently rediscover a healthy patch of it growing in a remote area over here.
I see that we have several common interests, so I am going to post a blog link of my own that I am only guessing may interest you or your followers. It is one of two of my oddball blogs totally dedicated to alternative (without matches or lighters) fire starting methods and history. I apologize if this is too far off topic.
Hey PapaD, I just spent a few seconds over at your blog and it looks pretty interesting. I think most ‘sengers are also interested in these sorts of things. Do you mind if I put a note about your page in my newsletter? It’s running late this month, but I will be sending it out hopefully next week.
As for “awful” ratings, lol, mostly I want to know WHY someone rates it that low so I can make it better each year (if it’s something within reason). Sometimes though I think people react to it that way if they don’t see prices they like or don’t like the news or something. Thank you for your comments and the link to your blog. What’s the other oddball page link?