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The Ginseng Nursery is Waking Up

The ginseng is beginning to unfurl. Some are already unfurled, mostly the yearlings. Goldenseal in my near-the-house garden is up and blooming, but the ones in their natural settings in the woods are still barely opening up. Trout lilies haven’t yet bloomed, but bloodroot is almost finished blooming. The crested irises are showing buds, but not opened yet. Trillium have leaves but no blooms yet. Blue cohosh is still unfolding, as is black cohosh. Maidenhair are up but not fully unfurled. Christmas fern fiddleheads are everywhere. Doll’s eyes are unfurling and already have flower buds. Wild hydrangea are leafing out, and so is the spicebush.

The American spikenard I’d put in a pot to overwinter – an experiment to see if it would survive in a pot over winter… is up and happy. I heel everything in the nursery in pots over winter in retainer beds covered with leaves. It has worked for everything so far, but spikenard was a new one in the pots. The ones in the ground always do just fine.

Everything here is a week or more behind locations near us, even right down our road. But the springtime flurry of growth has begun.

I won’t have many 1rst year ginseng seedlings to offer this year, and only a few of the 2 and 3rd year seedlings. Whatever I do have available, once everyone has come up and are ready for pots, I’ll bring them to my art studio in Alpena, AR. Same goes for the companion plants in pots. I’m there on most Saturdays, but not all, so email me to check the schedule if you’re coming from any distance: . Hours are from 10-4, and I won’t be there until April 27 with plants.

3-prong Ginseng with flower bud. Not for sale.
American spikenard $25
Companion collection of bloodroot, trillium, and a 2-prong ginseng $15
Dutchman’s Breeches foliage $15
Maidenhair fern, center, witch hazel at the bottom, wild ginger to the left $15

Reserve these?

If you know you’d like one of the pictured items, please email me to reserve it. Potted plants are available for pickup only, at the Wild Ozark Studio & Gallery in Alpena, AR. Or, you can drive out to the Wild Ozark Ginseng Demonstration Garden to pick them up in Kingston, AR. .

Madison Woods

Published by
Madison Woods

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