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2024 Ginseng Prices & Nursery Update

Digging season opens September 1, and buyers start buying fresh roots at that point. They don’t buy dried until mid-September, though. Why? Because if a root was dug on the first, it can’t possibly be dried until later. Someone selling dried roots at season’s open is a poacher.

Price Updates

As I see posts from buyers, I’ll add them to this page. If you know of a buyer posting prices or contact information, pass on the information in the comments and I’ll add it up here as soon as I can.

Arkansas: Mills Ginseng posted prices for fresh on his FB page.

In Arkansas, the digging season begins September 1. This is a forum for American ginseng diggers and dealers to ask questions and communicate with each other. It’s a meeting space for those in the industry to share information with all of us about the markets and prices across the ginseng-growing regions.

Note: The prices you see discussed here are NOT the prices you should expect if you are buying ginseng for personal consumption. These are the wholesale prices that dealers give to diggers.

Diggers, please share what prices you’ve found in your part of the country or post a comment to find a dealer. Just mention your county/state, not your exact location.

Dealers, if you’d like to comment with your contact information so diggers can find you, please do. If you ship internationally and sell retail, that’s good information to list as well.

Please join in the conversations. Comments are open!

6 thoughts on “2024 Ginseng Prices & Nursery Update”

    1. Trevor Mills is buying in MO, but I don’t know his schedule. His FB post is linked up in the body of the post here, and he updates it as prices change. I can send you his email addy if you’d rather contact him that way.

  1. I live in Washington state and do about 300,000 lbs of dry Cascra bark and wanted to know any buyers of different stuff on the west coast that I can collect and process??

    1. Often the ginseng buyers will also buy other botanicals. I didn’t find any dealers in a quick search for Washington state, but if you’ll call the state plant board you might be able to get some answers there. Good luck!

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