1rst Year Seedlings
I will have first year seedlings potted up this year! Please email me to get on the list if you think you will want some. I’ll send an email to notify availability in late April, earlier if they come up sooner: .
2nd & 3rd Year Potted Ginseng
None this year.
I'm late getting my seeds planted. They ordinarily would go in the ground in fall,…
This morning I walked through the nursery area to fulfill the last of the 2024…
This year started out with low inventory because I didn't get a chance to plant…
The ginseng is beginning to unfurl. Some are already unfurled, mostly the yearlings. Goldenseal in…
The woods are still wrapped in the relative peace of winter around here at Wild…
PARCHED. If I wanted to dig any roots right now, I'd have a heckuva time…
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