Ozark Crafts

A Week at Wild Ozark … No, I’m Not Lost

I'm just mired neck deep in a To-Do list of my own making, trying to get organized and into some…

7 years ago

Virginia Creeper Seedling in my Ebony Spleenwort Fern

There's a Virginia creeper  (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) seedling creeping up toward the light in my spleenwort fern (Asplenium platyneuron) container. I watched…

7 years ago

Ginseng Jams & Nature Art Cards on a Chilly Day

I'll be in the Kingston square with the Wild Ozark booth on Saturday selling ginseng jams, nature art, and fairy…

8 years ago

Slugs and Dragons and Ginseng, Oh My! Wild Ozark Creations

I've been working on a few new Wild Ozark creations lately. This creative streak seems to have no end in…

9 years ago

Ginseng Coffee and other “Wild Blends” from Wild Ozark

Unfortunately, we have found out that the state of Arkansas does not allow the roasting and selling of fresh roasted…

9 years ago

Busy Days at Wild Ozark

I've been busy lately, but you wouldn't know it from my lack of posts to the blog. New projects started…

10 years ago

My First Sheet of Handmade Paper

So, with all the rain here, and now with the truck being broken which means until the road mud dries…

10 years ago

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