Native Medicinal Plants

What is Nature Farming? What does a Nature Farmer Grow?

What I mean by 'Nature Farming' is not the same as 'natural farming', 'organic farming', or 'natural farming methods'. Explanations…

7 years ago

Virginia Creeper Seedling in my Ebony Spleenwort Fern

There's a Virginia creeper  (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) seedling creeping up toward the light in my spleenwort fern (Asplenium platyneuron) container. I watched…

7 years ago

Ginseng Jelly – A Delicious Wild Ozark Luxury Product

Oh, my ... GINSENG JELLY! I love medicinal herbs, especially those that grow right here at home, and most especially…

7 years ago

Ginseng in June

The ginseng in June here at Wild Ozark has small berries beginning to form. Some of the plants still have…

8 years ago

Join me at the 8th Annual Agroforestry Symposium in Columbia, MO

January 26, 2017 We'll be there representing Wild Ozark and I'll be participating in the discussion panel for medicinal plant…

8 years ago

Ginseng Habitat Demonstration Garden

Beginning in May 2017 there will be a place to go for anyone interested in seeing ginseng growing in its…

8 years ago

Ginseng Growing Season is Winding Down, Digging Winding Up

Usually low prices of any traded good means there is either low demand or over-supply. The case with ginseng this…

9 years ago

Slugs and Dragons and Ginseng, Oh My! Wild Ozark Creations

I've been working on a few new Wild Ozark creations lately. This creative streak seems to have no end in…

9 years ago

Ginseng Seedling When it Comes Up in the First Year from a Seed

In the first year, an American ginseng seedling has three leaves and looks a little bit like a wild strawberry…

9 years ago

Ginseng in November and a Witch Hazel, too

On a whim, I went out to see how the ginseng looked now. I knew it would be dead and…

9 years ago

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