American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) 2025 Update: 1rst Year Seedlings I will have first year seedlings potted up this year! Please…
I'm late getting my seeds planted. They ordinarily would go in the ground in fall, but this year I didn't…
This morning I walked through the nursery area to fulfill the last of the 2024 rootlet orders. First year seedling…
This year started out with low inventory because I didn't get a chance to plant seeds last fall. We had…
The ginseng is beginning to unfurl. Some are already unfurled, mostly the yearlings. Goldenseal in my near-the-house garden is up…
The woods are still wrapped in the relative peace of winter around here at Wild Ozark. However, the vernal witch…
PARCHED. If I wanted to dig any roots right now, I'd have a heckuva time finding them. The tops have…
The weather forecast calls for possible tennis ball hail tonight, so I figured I'd better get some pics of the…
From this point onward during the hot summer months, I will only transplant to pots when there is an order…
Here's what I'll have with me at the Alpena Mercantile tomorrow (Apr 22). All of these are in pots. You…
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