This year started out with low inventory because I didn’t get a chance to plant seeds last fall. We had a lot of rain early on, and then a lot of drought since summer began. Most of the seedlings I did have for sale in May were sold, and the remainder will ship out as bare-rootlets this fall. So, the inventory is at -0- in my online shop until late spring next year.
I’ve got seeds ordered already and next year’s supply of potted and bare-root first year seedlings should be restocked by late April.
Last week I repaired/prepared a seed-bed and holding bed for next year’s potted seedlings. We’ve had wild hogs move into the area and either they or the neighbor’s cows came into the nursery and tore up some things. Pretty sure it was the pigs. I’m not sure what ate the top of my American Spikenard, but thankfully it has recovered and regrew enough leaves to survive the coming winter. Something else, probably deer, ate one of the prongs off of my demonstration plant in the garden.
Usually the deer browsing on the mature plants isn’t a big problem. This year, it seems that a lot of the immature plants went to ground early. Probably because it has been bone dry for so long now.
If there are any of the companion plants that you’d like started for next year, let me know so I can get those seeds or root divisions started before winter gets here. These are the plants I usually propagate:
Wild Ozark Ginseng Nursery
I’m a ginseng habitat steward & host a habitat demonstration garden in Kingston, AR. In spring I sell potted ginseng seedlings locally, and in fall I ship out bare-root seedlings to US addresses (except CA). We’re a very small operation, and the garden isn’t large. But if you’d like to see American ginseng growing in a rehabilitated place with look-alikes and companion plants, it’s free to visit by appointment.
If you like nature art, check out my paintings at I make my paints from rocks, soot, bones, and a couple of light-fast plants. And, I’m also a REALTOR® with Montgomery Whiteley Realty, under my real name Roxann Riedel. If you’re thinking of moving to the Ozarks of Arkansas and would like me to be your Buyer’s Representative, email, text, or call me at (479) 409-3429! And if you’re moving away from or selling property in Madison, Newton, or Carroll county, I’m happy to be your Listing Agent.
American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) 2025 Update: 1rst Year Seedlings I will have first year seedlings…
I'm late getting my seeds planted. They ordinarily would go in the ground in fall,…
This morning I walked through the nursery area to fulfill the last of the 2024…
The ginseng is beginning to unfurl. Some are already unfurled, mostly the yearlings. Goldenseal in…
The woods are still wrapped in the relative peace of winter around here at Wild…
PARCHED. If I wanted to dig any roots right now, I'd have a heckuva time…
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